Luisa Heymann, Author

About the Author
Luisa Heymann grew up in Washington, DC and nearby Bethesda, Maryland, but hit the road in her 20s, eventually visiting and occasionally working in 43 states and 39 countries.
Over the years she's worked at running an ice cream parlor in Vieques, Puerto Rico, as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Costa Rica, and as the advertising director for Kitchen Bazaar gourmet housewares stores. Hobbies include snorkeling somewhere warm whenever possible, singing in the Napa Valley Community Chorus, teaching aqua aerobics off and on for 20+ years, and 10 years as part of a hot air balloon crew.
Currently, Luisa and her husband John live near Yountville California in an area they call "rural lite" (well & septic but only 8 minutes to Whole Foods) with a couple of rescue dogs who get them out walking every day, rain or shine (or wildfires, ugh).
Luisa's Story
After a lifetime of being physically active, in 2014 Luisa was side-lined with a broken neck after being hit by a drunk driver. For months she could barely move, so when finally able to resume something approaching normal life, she had to start getting back in shape in teeny-tiny bite-sized pieces ... thus, the concept of mini-workouts was born. She soon realized that these were a fantastic addition to her weekly schedule--even once she could exercise normally again--and has kept it up ever since.
How About You ... What's Your Story? If you’re in a similar situation working to come back from an illness or injury, are sedentary and/or tire easily and would like to have more energy, have a scary health problem that you need to get under control, or are just plain tired of being out of shape and don’t know where or how to begin to get your body on the road to better health, Mini-Workouts are a great place to start!